EDW came to us needing a full rebrand in order to reverse the low sales trajectory. We did a full brand audit and discovered there is a major opportunity for us to explore:
The cannabis industry has become more and more overzealous with all of the choices, strains, effects, marketing lingo, and too many products that overwhelm the average everyday consumer. There’s no offering in the market that is simply just a good, everyday weed.
How can we simplify the cannabis buying experience for those who hate shopping for cannabis?

Our everyday joe target consumer wants to end their day without any extra mental or physical exertion. Grabbing a pre-roll on the walk home should be as easy as grabbing a tall boy. But going into the dispensary makes the journey difficulty and ends with analysis paralysis, ultimately leading to paying for something they didn't want at a price they didn't expect.
If we are able to embody the trusted diner or corner store that is frequented enough the employees know your order, we can alleviate the issue our target market might find themselves in.
Let's make finding a good, quality, everyday weed simple. Now all you have to do is buy it, smoke it, and enjoy it. Because that’s the way weed should be. Enough said. Aesthetically we went with your local minor league baseball team, or your local mechanic shop, something you frequent because of convenience and value. We used explicit and clear messaging to help convey the products, along with a tone of voice that aligns with our consumer. Custom embroidered Dickie's work shirts are handed out to select budtenders, and custom, ownable, illustrations help visually build out the rest of the brand.

Working with Josh and the Metafor team was a productive and enjoyable experience. We had an existing brand, Every Day Weed, that was in dire need of a complete makeover. We met with the Metafor team and got to work. They quickly helped us ideate, design and bring our new vision to life. They provided all the marketing resources necessary to make a large, complex project digestible and fun! In a matter of a few months, we completely revamped our brand and turned it into something our entire company is proud of and excited to launch. Thank you Metafor!
Chris Driessen
